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Best Art Journal Tips for Kids

15 Best Tips to start ART Journals to keep kids minds active indoors or Out

I need tips to start an Art Journal? In the current climate with Covid-19 we want to keep our kids safe and still keep little minds and hands active. What a great time to delve into creative activities. Even better time to get out into Nature and breath in the fresh air and explore the beauty of the world around us.

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What is kids ART?

Messy, heaps of clean up, expensive supplies and where to we keep all those art works! It is a great way for kids to be creative and really lets face it our kids are losing the creativity at a great speed. They would much prefer to be sitting in front of a tv or on a device. Art is looking at the beauty of something and trying to reproduce it in any form you prefer, it may be a landscape or and abstract. The choice is yours and no one can take that away from you.

Why does this happen?

Screen time is so exciting, the movement, the colours, the noise. Something is always happening. But when the kids have to stop and sit still they don’t know how. It is really hard, well let’s face it, it’s not just hard for the kids it is hard for us too.

With this Isolation that we have all just been through, some still going through, it has really given me the time to stop and smell the roses. Sitting and breathing, meditation practice but best of all picking up a paintbrush again (after a 20 year break) and feeling the flow of the paint is a wonderful relaxing process.

Don’t let the rush of every day life, school routine and screen time be the reason your kids miss this experience. Finger painting feeling the paint between your fingers or straw blowing. Let them make a mess ( just make sure they are outside or somewhere easy to clean up) Why not let your inner child join in.

Best art journal Tips

Tip 1: Finger paint

  1. grab a big sheet of paper and some favourite colours

  2. Go wild…………

  3. Why stop at your fingers, try your feet too.

  4. Try to make animals out of the shapes.

  5. Fathers Day is coming up, why not surprise dad with an original canvas

  6. This makes an amazing front page for our Art Journals, what a wonderful signature.

art journal finger painting

Finger painting

Tip 2: make an Art journal

  1. Grab a scrap book and start collecting artworks.

  2. Make your own journal – take 5 pieces of A4 paper and fold in half, then grab an A4 piece of card stock and fold in half, staple in the middle. ( if you want to be really creative you can sew the book together)

  3. Date each page

  4. What a wonderful keepsake for years to come

  5. Even if kids do their art on paper you can always just paste it in later.

  6. When they get a little older they can start to write memories on the pages

homemade art journal

homemade art journal

Tip 3: collage

  1. paint old pieces of paper or collect patterned paper

  2. tear or cut into pieces

  3. glue onto your page

  4. Then use your markers to draw and make marks or dots.

art journal collage page

Tip 4: Toilet roll circles

  1. My 11 year old daughter loves to write her goals up and then circle all over them, the process is what counts

  2. She loves it.

art journal goals

Art journal circles

tip 5: A colour wheel

  1. A colour wheel is a great way to learn about colours

  2. start with your primary colours Red, yellow and blue

  3. then mix to get your Secondary colours green, orange and purple

  4. even one step further for our tertiary colours

Art Journal colour wheel

Colour wheel

Tip 6: Paint an abstract landscape

  1. go wild! remember it is all about the flow and colours.

Art Journal Abstract Landscape

Abstract Landscape

Tip 7: Emotions heart

  1. This can be done a few different ways

  2. Draw any shape to start then divide into sections

  3. watercolour or paint the sections with the colour that reminds you of the emotions.

  4. This could be a colour my day for tweens and teens or do 30 sections for a mood month.

Art Journal emotion hearts

Emotions heart

Tip 8: experiment with supplies

  1. we did an experiment of papers, water colour paints and brushes

  2. To see what difference we got

Art Journal apples

Art Journal apples

Tip 9: really is art just on paper

  1. build a cubby with your bestie

Art Journal Nature walk

Build a cubby

Tip 10: Stencils

  1. simple stencils make wonderful patterns

  2. you can use lots of things around the house

Art Journal Stencils

Mandala Stencils

Tip 11: Ok so you won’t find this fellow in the Zoo

  1. Trace a favourite animal out of a colouring in book and put out really bright colours and go for it! The wilder the better!

Art Journal Wild animal

Wild animal

Tip 12: Mixed media

  1. in this journal page we have acrylic, gouache, collage, ink, water colour, posca pens and scrap paper. Ooooh and don’t forget the glue. I just love the feeling of ripping up paper.

Art journal

Tip 13: Affirmation poster

  1. A wonderful way to remind your kids how wonderful they are.

  2. You can get beautiful affirmation colouring books here

Art Journal Affirmation

Affirmation poster

Tip 14: a Dot journal

  1. for the older kids a little more precision and fun.

  2. A dot journal is a great way to get your ideas and thoughts out of your head

Art Journal

Teen Art Journal

Tip 15: Nature walk

  1. going for a nature walk you can see beautiful things

  2. the colours, the animals and feel the textures.

  3. You can take photos and put them in your journal when you get home or take home a leaf to draw.

  4. Maybe take home a wild flower to press.

Art Journal nature journal

Art Journal photo

The Last Thing You Need to Know about starting an art journal practice with your kids is

That there are NO rules, let your creative juices flow just like this beautiful creek. The time goes so quick and our beautiful children grow so fast and then wooosh they are off having their own bubs. So make the most of every minute and journal for the days you are old and have time to sit and remember those beautiful times. I just wish I had done this with my two older girls…… I will with my beautiful grand daughter. She loves to come to GG’s house and paint so I am on a winner already!

Want to join us for our 30 day Art Journal challenge, a great way to get started. Join here

Have you got any ART journal tips I can add to the future blog posts, send them to me now and I can feature you on a blog in the future.

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