Reflect on your life, solve challenges, and see how you’ve
grown over the years by keeping a journal.
These tips can help you get started:
✓ Choose your medium. Notebooks seem to work the best. Even better make your own handmade Journal.......
✓ Choose a time to journal each day. The end of the day, as
you reflect on your day, is a great time for journaling.
✓ Avoid missing more than one day at a time
✓ Keeping your entries fairly short will encourage you to
write regularly, draw, paint, collage whatever medium you choose.
✓ Record important events of the day, track your progress
toward your goals, and analyse challenges in your journal
✓ Keep your journal private and secure
Want to add more to your Journal, add colours for our you feel, want to add some papers or doodles?
Want a 21 day challenge to start your habit of journaling, 21 days of prompts to journal or do in your journal?
We have a 21 day gratitude journal challenge just for you. Click here
Maybe its printables you would love to add to your journal? Have you heard about our Creative Studio membership? Printables, a Journal kit and Co-create each month to create your Soul Inquiry Collage Journal. ( It's a monthly vision board in your Journal!) Click here to find out more
creating the life you love.....
