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Writer's pictureJodie Chandler

Self acceptance is a result of being kind to myself

Self-acceptance is a result of being kind to myself.

I believe it is important to treat myself kindly. Doing so inspires self-acceptance. It is much easier to be happy with who I am.

Kindness means encouraging myself when I fall short on a goal. Obstacles are easier to overcome when I gently push myself. I remind myself that it is okay to make second attempts at goals.

My imperfections make me the beautiful person that I am. I use my flaws to reinforce to myself that I have something unique. That uniqueness is endearing.

Even though there are many who are wealthier than I am, I still count my blessings. Other strengths apart from wealth make me an impressive force. I remind myself of those strengths and feel proud of their existence.

I pamper myself as a way of showing kindness to me. That time I take to relax is a reminder that I am deserving of good things. It makes me feel good about myself.

I avoid getting angry with myself when I allow others to speak unkindly to me. Another person’s unkindness is their downfall. When I rise above negativity, I show strength and peace of mind. I love that I successfully take the high road in those situations.

Today, I accept that it is important to be kind to myself. I realize that it inspires others to be kind to me also.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. In what other ways can I show kindness to myself?

  2. How is my self-image impacted when I allow negative energy to fester?

  3. What rules can I set for my life so I remain gentle with myself?

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